In the first para she speaks
about journalism, Has she really followed all the ethics and principles of
journalism? Has she read the details and reply given to her paid news available
she deny any one of the facts given in the blog? If yes, is she ready to swear
on a public place? For money and motive, she should not write false articles
with baseless allegations. Now we have to think about the Wire. Part of the
funds they received from Independent and Public Spirited
Media Foundation.
It is reflected in Wire. Now there is a question. Whether these all are
bonafide transactions or the funds were routed in the Hawala type such as
payment to media and get back a portion to avoid Income Tax ? This should be
enquired by the Government as well as Income Tax department. Hence it is
required to publish the details about the funded agency and the amount of fund
received and the registration certificate of Income Tax etc., to be published
by this media. Then only we can find out whether these transactions are
bonafide or not?
She has written the story on behalf of rivals of V.V.Mineral, simply for the
money and the motive she has against VVM.
One more information, she is very close to one Retd. DGP, who is also
operating her to target Mr.S.Vaikundarajan and V.V.Mineral. The above details
will be published very shortly.
has spoken about Jallikattu on a public domain and social media, it is quite
natural that that was a sensitive issue few weeks back and the entire world was
supporting it. Everyone saw the
fundamental Tamil youths went a step head to target anyone opposing
Jallikattu. Just because someone
criticised her on her views opposing Jallikattu, she is conveniently passing on
the blame to VVM as well. This is purely
to gather sympathy among fellow crowd and to portray a negative image on
VVM. She is quite aware VVM has always
taken the legal route for any issue.
How unethical she behaves?
has told Nuclear weapon, monazite, One lakh crore etc., Can she ready to prove
it? Can she provide a slender piece of evidence
to support this fancy story?
fact, there is no possibility for export of monazite either legally or
illegally. This has been confirmed by Department of Atomic Energy and Chairman
of Atomic Energy Regulatory Board and she herself, saw all the documents during
January 2015. But with ulterior motive, she has published the above said news.
So when the affected party take legal action. Finally she will simply publish that “The error regretted”.
this fair journalism? Is she a fair
journalist.? If its not done for money, then what else do we believe? She
mentioned about a raid and transfer of Tuticorin Collector. In fact, when
transfer order issued Sandhya’s gang member Ashish kumar created a forgery
document in the name of raid and prepare a letter to Chief Secretary and hand
over the colour Xerox copy or original to his college gang member Sandhya which
was published her on 27.1.2017. In fact, based on the complaint and after enquiry,
Ashish Kumar was prosecuted. It is
mentioned in my previous posts. Ashish Kumar prepared one inspection report and
get signature from subordinate officers which is given below.
“As per Statement given by the petitioners,
who are local residents, this illegal mining activity has been carried out by
VV Mineral limited.”
based on the above wordings, Ashish Kumar created the D.O. letter and hand over
it to Sandhya. It is pertinent to point out here that, within four kilometer
radius, there is no habitation or village. Moreover no petitioner has made
complaint against either VV Mineral or other party. Hence VV Mineral approached
under RTI to furnish the details about who were enquired, the name details and
the statements etc., Since this was a created one, no one was ready to give it.
Finally the case was reached Information Commission. When Information
Commissioner enquired, the PIO admitted that, at the time of inspection, no
enquiry made. By recording the same, the information commission directed to
furnish details to the petitioner Mr.S.Vaikundarajan. That is why Sandhya’s
Gang Member Ashish Kumar was prosecuted. To protect her gang member, she create
story that, for send report Ashish Kumar was transferred. This is a tactic. She
is a very good director to create a fantasy thriller story.
In her Article on 30.1.17, she mentioned that,
Mr.S.Vaikundarajan is a nice and polite man and she praised his character also
in some way. Whereas, on 31.1.17, due to the pressure from her boss, she told
that, the village people warned her “Be careful” and when she entered VV
Mineral mining area, five people rush in car. Whether she get any permission to
enter in the mine? Is it not a trespass? Whether the employees who are In
charge for the mine should not ask her about her illegal trespassing? Even then
also, she was not attacked or abused. Can any person enter her house without
her permission claiming that some antisocial activities are planned by her? Is
it permissible?
It is pertinent to note that she has not uttered a
single word about FIR or complaint against in Ashish Kumar letter. After all her objective is simply to support
Daya Devadass, and create problems to his competitors.
Again she speaks about the visit of
Mr.S.Vaikundarajan’s brother house, cleverly this was also used against
Mr.S.Vaikundarajan. Again and again, she refer as illegal mining. Where is
that? What is the total quantity VV Mineral mined and paid royalty to
government? What is the total quantity VV Mineral sold and exported? Where is
the figure and proof. Merely writing by Sandhya after getting money is enough?
As told that, she is fit to create mythical story, she
has claimed that four people surrounded the car. But she didn’t say if they used any abusing
words or attacked the car? How wonderful
her imagination works, this way she can claim even by-passers or common public
or any employees walking near the road can be claimed they surrounded the
car. This again proves her ulterior
I have clearly explained about the back ground of Bedi
Commission and Ashish Kumar with documentary proof. Please read this one more
time and
Again she wrote about the 02.02.2015 story prepared
for Dhayadevadas and finally publish clarification that,
story was based on a PIL filed by Victor Rajamanikkam that had come up for hearing on Madras High
Court and the figure of corruption of 1 lakh Crore was based on it and not
independently verified us …..The error regretted”.
It is
available in
When she gets high remuneration to prepare the story,
definitely the risk also high. She get
higher remuneration and she negotiate and collect by expecting the legal action
also. So it is her duty to face the legal action.
Why don’t she reveal that, the MoEF officials report
was handed over to her by her gang head Dhayadevadas by getting under RTI Act.
Now she again explain her husband’s connection with
News 7 Channel. But she slightly
modified that, other people approach her husband. If she publish the e-mail of
her husband, the truth will come out.
Let her to publish the e-mail as published Vaikundarjan’s mail (Her
published Vaikundarajan mail also establish the nexus between Dhayadevadas and
She told that there is no enemity or revenge. Then what prevents her for not publishing the
real facts and clarifications given by Mr.S.Vaikundarajan and the documents
given by him. Why she project the story
only against Mr.S.Vaikundarajan?
When IRE Ltd is having 3274 Hect mining lease in India
and VV Mineral and Transworld having only 365 Hect leases area and her boss
Dhayadevadas company Indian Garnet Sand company having 399 Hect and Trimax
having 720 Hect mining lease area, who is monopoly? Does it not reflect the
hidden intensions of Sandhya?
She mentioned that by referring her in the government
report she was personally attacked. Will
it not applicable to Mr.S.Vaikundarajan?
Will he not be targeted after this false story? In fact that is the
whole point for her.
Now the cat is finally out of the bag. She admitted that,
during January 2015, she contacted Vaikundarajan for a response to the
allegation. Accordingly, Mr.S.Vaikundarajan gave a detailed reply and the
interview went on very smoothly. Let her produce the questions and reply
between them which she sent by mail. Let her reproduce the mail which questions
she asked with him and what reply received from him? This will establish her
motive and enemity.
She mentioned Mr.S.Vaikundarajan’s mail to her during
August 2016. The following words in his mail alone will establish that Sandhya
is a paid news reporter.
“In the previous occasion also you an asked
some clarification from me, which were answered and we showed you all the
documents and handed over copy of all the relevant documents. But the article
did not cover any of our explanation, it was purely biased and one sided and
focused only on a bogus PIL. The clarification asked by you and replies given
by me are not reflected in any your previous article, even though you recorded
the whole audio. All this only makes me believe you may be biased and are
supporting our competitors Mr.Dhayadevadas and Victor Rajamanikkam”.
Will it not establish her character that she will
create story as one sided even other party gave any reply.?
In this
four part also, she did not refer any clarification given by Mr.S.Vaikundarajan
which she got even January 2015 from him. Will it not establish that, she is a
paid reporter.?
Now again I challenge.
Sandhya ready to swear on her father or on her child that the above mentioned
documents and explanations were not seen by Sandhya and her husband in their
office in the presence of Mr.Vaikundarajan and Venkatesh during January
2015? Is Sandhya ready to swear that, she do not know
about the above said facts and she did not collect copies from
writing by suppressing the truth called the Ethics of Journalism?
it right to publish one sided stories without getting the other parties reply?
reply send by mail by the association people, it is not published. Will it not
established that, this press also part and partial of the gang and to usurp the
public fund from various forums, this type of one sided stories are
published. Is it not the duty of every
citizen to enquire about the media and the funding agency who supply the fund
and the background about them? Whether the fund supplied after payment of
proper Income Tax or supplied to escape from the Income Tax.
all, those who praise Sandhya, please ask her to swear in your presence denying
all my above clarification. Please ask wire also to publish the funds received
from various funding agencies.
please ask government agencies to enquire and to ensure whether the funding
agencies supply the fund after payment of Income Tax or they use it as Hawala
route and thereby create negative opinion against Indian industries to help foreign
companies. Is it not necessary that a CBI enquiry is mandatory to find out the
amount involved in the transaction of Independent and Public Spirited Media Foundation and Wire and Sandhya and other
think about this and join hand with us to eradicate fake reporters.
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