Saturday, 28 January 2017

Sandhya Ravishankar's paid news still continues

On 27.01.2017,  Sandhya Ravishankar again purblished one false news in the "Wire". Normally, whenever the cases against beach minerals are coming for hearing, to prejudice the judiciary, such type of news will be published by her gang and Dhayadevadas.

Sandhya Ravishankar is  a paid writer specially appointed by a group of this beach mineral gang Dhayadevadas , who has looted  huge amount of rare beach minerals in Trichy district. On the article she attached District Collect Ashish Kumar's letter.
Ashish Kumar District Collector’s D.O. letter to Chief Secretary attached to this article does not contain any seal or it does not contain any office copy. Hence as claimed by Mr.S.Vaikundarajan, Mrs. Sandhya Ravishankar also a gang member of Dhayadevadas just like Mr. Ashish Kumar and V.Sundaram etc.,

Ashish Kumar send the above false report only to help Dhayadevadas at the instigation of V.Sundaram IAS, who was working under Dhayadevadas. details available in videos.

Moreover Mr.Vaikundarajan also filed complaint against Ashish kumar seeking prosecution for sending false report with all the documentary evidences. Details available in and 

The documents obtained from the relevant officers that Ashish Kumar report is false is available in 

Already Mr.Ashish kumar was prosecuted for sending this false report and other criminal activities. This has been published in Deccan Chronical and other medias on 21.6.2014. Since Hindu also part of this conspiracy, they alone not publish the same.

Since  there is no effective government in Tamilnadu, no enquiry will be conducted to find out how this D.O. letter goes to Sandhya Ravishankar. 

The paid news writer Shandya Ravishankar already prosecuted and a case in C.C.No. 39 of 2015 is pending before Judicial Magistrate Court No. 1, Tirunelveli against her. Unless such paid reporters are not convicted, the faith over the media will be definitely destroyed. 

During 1996, the present Amicus Curie Suresh Kumar and R.Srinivasan Former Director of Geology and Mining and Managing Director of Transworld Garnet India Pvt Ltd along with three other people were illegally entered in VV Mineral mining lease area at Irrukkandurai. Since, at that time Transworld was Subsidiary of Canada company and competitor to VV Mineral. They were captured by fishermen people and attacked them.  They enter the area to take some photographs and to make false complaint against VV Mineral to R.Srinivansan’s friend Siriyac, I.A.S.  At that time, on information, Mr.Vaikundarajan and Kumaresan came to the area. All this people were photographed. Srinivasan, Suresh Kumar and others gave apologize letter to Mr.Vaikundarajan. Hence they were permitted to go free.  Then how one can expect a fair report from Suresh Kumar? Definitely he will act against Mr.S. Vaikundarajan.

Sandhya Ravishankar demand  employment to her husband in News 7, which was refused by them.  From that date, she threatened VV Mineral, that she will write against VV Mineral. This was entered on 21.08.2014 at the following link.   . As threatened by Sandhya, she publish false news on 02.02.2015 through Economic Times in which her husband was editor. This is the motive behind this Article also.

She mentioned that, a suo-moto PIL.  The above said PIL is not suo moto PIL. But it is filed by this Sandhya Gang Mr.Victor Rajamanikam.  When VV Mineral established the nexus between Victor Rajamanikam and Dhayadevadas before the Honorable high Court, Victor Raja Manikam filed apologize petition and withdraw from the case.  Hence it was treated as suo-moto PIL.  It is Dhayadevadas gang modus-aprendy that by simply filing a writ petition, they create news against VV Mineral through their paid reporters.  Whenever a case in the High Court is listed, such type of false stories against VV Mineral will be published. This is only to prejudice the judiciary.

All this gang are guided by one Retd. DGP in the name of Mathematics expert and two Retd. IAS officers and one  High Court judge who was transferred from Chennai to other State aiming promotion.

The Retd. DGP named mathematical expert have control over the intelligence wing even now. Based on his advise, this Sandhya and their gang members are working. She met him and spend time not less than 3 hours to create news against Mr.S.Vaikundarajan.

She did not reveal the enmity between Mr.Vaikundarajan and her. She did not reveal pending criminal case. Then how her article is a fair article? So today I send one objection mail to Wire.

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